According to the traditional owners of the Grampians, there are six distinct weather periods recognised in the Gariwerd (Grampians) seasonal cycle. These seasons relate to climatic features and also reference environmental events such as plant flowering, fruiting and animal behavioural patterns.
For thousands of years, the lives of the Jardwadjali and Djab Wurrung have been intimately linked to this seasonal cycle.
Kooyang (Late Summer) Season of eels and parched landscape. Late summer (January to March) is the hottest and driest time of the year. Days are longer and the nights are warm. Streams can dry up completely during these months.
Gwangal Moronn (Autumn) Season of honey bees, sunrises and flocking birds. Autumn (late March to June) is know as the season of native honey bees or gwangal. This is when the country starts to cool down after the summer heat.
Chinnup (Winter) Season of cockatoos, cool climate and early wildflowers. Between June and July morning frost, bleak mists and freezing winds make this the coldest time of the year.
Larneuk (Early Spring) Season of nesting birds and changeable weather. Between July and August the spring season is usually the wettest time of the year with rivers running high. Its a time of dramatic weather changes.
Petyan (Late Spring) Season of wildlife and wildflowers. In spring the between August and November the bush bursts into life. The days are warmer, although the weather can still be tempestuous.
Ballambar (Early Summer) Season of butterflies, warm weather and wetland plants. With the onset of summer heat staring in November until late January, the land dries and the weather stabilises.